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About the Journal

Journal of Asian Sociology

Journal of Asian Sociology

  • Frequency : 4 issues/year
  • ISSN : 2671-4574(Print) / 2671-8200(Online)
  • Publisher : The Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University, Korea
  • Editor in Chief : Kim, Seok-ho
  • Contact : jasoceditor@gmail.com / +82 2 880 4240
  • Indexed in SCOPUS
Journal of Asian Sociology (JAS) is one of the most established academic journals for social science in English-language published by the Institute of Social Development and Policy Research (ISDPR) at Seoul National University. Founded as Bulletin of the Population and Development Studies Center in 1972 and evolving into Korea Journal of Population and Development from 1990 to 1997, and then Development and Society from 1998 to 2018, JAS has more than 40 years of history. JAS is currently indexed in SCOPUS and is also included in JSTOR archive.
With its main focus on Asia, and especially the East Asian region, JAS provides path breaking works from social, cultural, political to economic field, and discusses various sociological issues such as inequality, social change, policy, labor, environment, social quality, demographic change and so on. The journal presents empirical analysis and theoretical discussions on important topics of modern society, including culture, economics, politics, demographics and the varied sociological issues that emerge in the Asian region.

Journal of Asian Sociology

Volume 53 Number 1, March 2024

  • What Forms of Redistribution Do People Want in South Korea?: Flat Rate, Positive Discrimination, or Earnings-related

    Jongmin Yang

  • Reverse Gender Gap among International Students in South Korea

    Minjung Park

  • Rights Recognition and Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Multicultural Inclusivity Revisited

    Kyung-Eun Yang

  • The Relationship between Transnational Grandparenting and Depressive Symptoms among Multicultural Children and Adolescents in Korea

    Sou Hyun Jang